How Did This Happen to Me

This “How Did This Happen to Me?” is an introductory three-session alcohol, tobacco, and other-drug prevention (ATOD) curriculum based on a series of three educational videos our founder, Chuck Johnson, produced. This program focuses on how someone becomes an addict, the science behind addiction, and the 18 telltale signs of addiction. There are add-on modules available for education on topics such as:

  1. Fentanyl: Why now?
  2. Refusal Skills & Role Playing
  3. Guide to Rehab
  4. Home Experiments

Learning Objectives

  1. Students will explain why some people get addicted and others do not
  2. Students will learn the latest scientific discoveries about addiction
  3. Students will learn about genetic predisposition
  4. Students will learn about activities that naturally give them pleasure
  5. Students will learn the science behind alcohol & nicotine addiction
  6. Students will explain why the early use of nicotine, drugs, and alcohol is a strong addiction risk factor
  7. Students will describe why pursuing healthy, meaningful activities is important
  8. Students will identify the signs that addiction is developing in someone’s life
  9. Students will understand the odds of developing addiction and its consequences
  10. Students will gain knowledge regarding treatment and recovery
  11. Students will learn about nicotine and vaping consequences
  12. Students will reflect on their experience of craving awareness in the Craving Experiment


Click here ⧉ to download the at-a-glance sheet for this program.

“How Did This Happen To Me” Access Request Form

For access to the content, please complete the following form below. In addition, you are welcome to contact the Addiction Education Society directly at or call (650) 445-7464.